Meet the Participants of Lagos - Maputo 2018

20 June 2018 | by Emeka Okereke

Following our call for participation and after a thorough review of over 160 applicants from 21 African countries, we are delighted to announce the selected trans-border participants who will be partaking in this year’s road trip project, 8th Trans-African Road Trip: Lagos - Maputo 2018, from 20 August, 2018 - 23 November 2018.

The portfolio, motivation letter, résumé and the interview of selected participants were assessed based on the potentials of their works, their ability to clearly demonstrate their motivation and how well we believe their personality fits into the nature and realities of the project.  It was important to us to ensure that selected participants think of the road trip project as an endeavour  beyond ‘ticking off one more item in a bucket list’, but rather about critical thinking, employing their bodies and presence in the negotiation of borders as much as in the re-imagination of histories embodied by the trajectory of the road trip project.

We look forward to working with these amazing African artists.

Click on name for bio

Batch A (Lagos to Kampala)


Batch B (Kampala to Maputo)


For more information about the road trip, click here.

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